Tune in to discover how sport in Australia continues to develop to ensure those living with disabilities can participate in the liveliness of sports like Cricket.
Whether it be spouting from the sidelines or across the field, Australia’s love for sport is loud and undeniable. Data from the Australian Government Department of Health unveiled 90% of the country’s adults participate in sports at least once a year.
However, the lack of accessibility and inclusivity across our nation’s favourite games, including cricket, has forged a barrier between Queenslanders living with a disability and their passions – with less than a quarter participating weekly.
To help address the gap in diverse participation avenues, Sporting Wheelies has made cricket an inclusive sport; with the launch of their new wheelchair cricket program on Wednesday.
It comes more than 60 years since the once grassroots organization formed and brings forth new hopes that the sport’s rising athletes may compete at the Brisbane 2032 Games.
Queensland Lens Editor Lauren Bartholomew interviewed Coach of Wheelchair Cricket Team Grant Cunningham to learn more.